Fabio de Furia


1st CA21155 HISTRATE Grants Call for Short-term scientific missions (STSM),
Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) Conference grants and Dissemination Conference grants

Application deadline: May 23, 23.59 CET
Decision and notification: June 9


We are happy to announce the 1st grants call within the HISTRATE COST Action. 3 types of grants are available: Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM), ITC Conference Grants and Dissemination Conference grants. All grants will support collaboration, knowledge sharing and transfer, research and developments within the Action. The Dissemination Conference grants specifically contribute to the dissemination of HISTRATE results and should therefore explicitly acknowledge the Cost Action by adding ‘This article/publication/presentation/poster is based upon work from COST Action HISTRATE, CA21155, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)’.
HISTRATE aims to lay the scientific and technological foundations for the creation and implementation of a robust framework for the certification-by-analysis of advanced composite structures subject to high strain rate loading, e.g., impact and blast. A paradigm shift in simulation comprehensiveness, high strain rate testing protocols and smart sensing tools is needed to replace the complex, laborious building block approach for validation and product certification with approaches based on simulations which require less tests. In this way, composition and performance adjustments should be allowed without recertification.

To apply for the grants, please follow the User Guide on Application For HISTRATE Cost Grants

(available at https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/O6t0MJdUfWpGxJg)

where the application procedure, evaluation criteria and required documents are explained. Specific focus has to be made to align your proposal with the HISRTATE scope, objectives and deliverables.

All details about the HISTRATE Action and the working groups can be found on the website (www.cost.eu/actions/CA21155) and the Memorandum of Understanding


Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM):
The maximum amount per mission: up to EUR 4000

ITC Conference Grants:
The maximum amount per grant: up to EUR 1500 for face-to-face conferences or EUR 500 for virtual conferences.

Dissemination Conference grants:
The maximum amount per grant: up to EUR 2000 for face-to-face conferences or EUR 500 for virtual conferences.

If you have questions about the grant applications, get in contact with the HISTRATE Grant Awarding

Coordinator, Andrei Anisimov (a.g.anisimov@tudelft.nl)




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