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Termoindurenti | spettroscopia | fotossidazione beniculturali | bioclining

Abbate Mario

Researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Graduated in Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Naples, in the university year 1986/87. Thesis: “Reletion between the conformations of carbohydrates and the interactions with other solutes”, under the supervision of prof. Guido Barone.

Specialization schools:

  • XI Convegno – Scuola A.I.M. on “Materiali
  • “Structural polymes”, June 1988, Gargnano (BS), Italy.
  • “First Mediterranean School on Science and Techology of Advanced Polymer- Based Materials”, Vico Equense, Napoli, Italy, September 1989.
  • From 9/09/1990 to 22/12/1990 he parteciped at “Intenational School of Advanced Studies in Polymer Science” presso l’University of Studies of Ferrara.
  • In 5/05/1991 he confer on The professional qualification of specialist in Polymer Science.
  • “Second Mediterranean School on Science and Tecnology of Advanced Polymer based Materials“ ,Capri, Italy, May 1991.
  • “Therd Mediterranean School on Science and Tecnology of Advanced Polymer based Materials”, Arco Felice , Naples, Italy, May 1993.
  • “Fourth European Symposium on Polymer Blends”, Capri, Italy, May 1993.
  • “Fourth Mediterranean School on Science and Tecnology of Advanced Polymer based Materials”, Fodele-Creta, Greek june 1993.
  • Since 07/ 20/ 1998 the undersigned has taken service like III researcher professional level beside the IPCB-CNR in as winning of public Contest for titles and examinations. Chemistry of the materials and inorganic methodologies.
  • The undersigned author of number international publications, he has acquired a notable competence in the field of the searches on the materials polymeric, turning his attention particularly to the preparation, and to the Spettroscopic characterization and Mechanics of multicomponents polymeric systems based of thermosetting resins.

Scientific competences:

  1. Mechanics of the elastic-linear fracture
  2. Analysis dynamic mechanic
  3. Polymer Disperse Liquid Crystals
  4. Compatibilization of reacive mixtures and their mechanics
  5. Kinetics and mechanisms of cure of thermosetting matrixes
  6. Protection of outdoor cultural heritage

Utilized Techniques:

  • Infrared spectrofotometry
  • Calorimetry
  • Termogravimetrical analisys
  • Electron Scanning Microscopy
  • Potentiometric Titrations
  • Tensile Properties and Impact
Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Economic model | 3D printing | orthosis | exploitation |

Abbate Valentina

Temporary researcher – SS Napoli/Portici



Dr. Abbate graduated with honours in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering in 2007.

Enrolled in the Order of Engineers since 2008 for the province of Naples, she became responsible for safety in the design and implementation of the works on construction sites. He worked for private companies in the design, execution and management for the realization of aqueducts, sewers and purifiers.

Research fellow at the CNR Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials since 2014, where she deals with the use of innovative technologies and new materials, paying attention to the sustainability and eco-compatibility, also dealing with the monitoring and enhancement of search results. She has also had scientific collaboration assignments with the Centro regionale di competenza (CRdC).

In 2020, she obtained the PhD in Engineering of Products and Industrial Processes. Her research ranges from the design, realization and characterization of an orthopaedic back brace by 3D printing technique as well as the development of a model to evaluate the economic feasibility of the manufacturing process of the back brace. Actually, she is working on the development and application of models for the management and monitoring of research projects and the related exploitation of the results.

Technology transfer | project management | intellectual property | outreach | PCTO 

Affatato Lorena

Senior technologist – SP Pozzuoli



In 2003 she earned the Master for Experts in the Development of Innovation and Technology Transfer (M.E.D.I.T.T.) from APSTI (Association of Italian Scientific and Technological Parks) held at Area Science Park in Trieste. In 2018 she obtained the Project Management certification (ISIPM base®) from the Italian Project Management Institute.

Appointed by MIUR she carries on referee activities for the evaluation of innovation, competitiveness and economic and financial aspects of research projects proposed within the PON, PRIN and FIRB programs or innovation calls issued by Universities.

Since 2005 she has been dealing with innovative processes, technology transfer methodologies, territorial systems for innovation, territorial marketing, innovation support tools, intellectual property, project management, the quality of the research and economic evaluation system.

Currently, she is the IPCB contact person of network CREO (Campania REteOutreach of National Research Council) to support technological innovation, outreach activities and territorial relationships.

She actively participate and organize dissemination events and training courses for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) aimed at students.

She is author and co-author of numerous scientific and technical papers published in international and national journals, conference, proceedings, books and institutional series with ISBN.

Biocomposites | functional packaging | agrifood wastes | biopolymers |



Temporary researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Sarai does research in chemical engineering and polymeric materials. Currently working on the topics:

  • Valorization of lignocellulosic materials to produce biodegradable polymer-based composites
  • Biodegradable polymers for active and functional packaging



Technical collaborator – SS Napoli/Portici

Self-healing | Liquid crystalline polymers | Thermoset | Composites | Cultural Heritage |

Amendola Eugenio

Research director   IPCB – CNR



Eugenio Amendola, was born on april 10th 1961. He is currently Senior Researcher at National Research Council, Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials.

  • Degree cum laude in Industrial Chemistry at University of Naples “Federico II” in 1986.
  • Associate researcher at University of Connecticut (USA) and Goteborg Polytechnich (Sweden).
  • Associate professor at Engineering Faculty of University of Naples “FedericoII” and at University of Salerno from 1989 to 2012.
  • Director (pro-tempore) of the Institute for Composite Materials and Biomaterials (IMCB-CNR) of the National Research Council from from 20/11/2012 to 26/02/2014
  • President of Campania Regional Section of Italian Chemical Society form 13/01/2012 to 31/12/2014.
  • Secretary of Campania Regional Section of Italian Chemical Society from 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2005.
  • Responsible on CNR research Unit in several national and international research projects, such as:

2013 – 2015, Progetto Bandiera “La Fabbrica del Futuro”, – “Integrated Technological Solutions for Zero Waste Recycling of Printed Circuit Board (PCBs)” (ZeroWastePCBs); focused on chemical recycling mechanisms of thermoplastic matrices (mainly unsaturated polyesters) used for the production of printed boards for electronic circuits;

2012 – 2016, Coordinator e scientific referent for research activity of the Institute for Composite and Biomedical Materials of the CNR, DM 00029_3205863 “PRocessi Ausiliari: le giunzioni aDesive e il rEpairing”, (PRADE), relative allo studio di sistemi nanocompositi contenenti particelle metalliche/ceramiche per migliorare il riscaldamento dielettrico mediante induzione/microonde, sviluppo di sistemi di coating polimerici con proprietà autoriparanti al graffito, sviluppo di coating polimerici per applicazioni cataforetiche con migliorate proprietà di protezione alla corrosion;

2013 – 2017, Project FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1, Grant 314768, ALAMSA, A Life-cycle Autonomous Modular System for Aircraft Material State Evaluation and Restoring System. Coordinator of Work Package 1, and scientific manager of the research activities of the Institute for Composite and Biomedical Materials of the CNR. The research project relates to the development of innovative epoxy resins containing thermoreversible (Diels-Alder) adducts suitable of thermoreversible self-repair reactions, to be used in the field of composite materials for aerospace applications;

He has developed research interests in the following fields:

  1. Development of self-healing systems. The need to extend the life cycle of polymeric materials used for the production of high-performance composites has motivated the research activity on self-healing polymeric systems. In particular, the development of precursors containing adducts capable of reacting according to the reversible mechanism of the Diels-Alder and retro Diels-Alder reactions has been investigated for the realization of intrinsically self-healing thermosetting resins.
  2. Development of liquid-crystalline thermosetting materials.
  3. Structural Adhesives for Transportation applications. The applications of structural adhesives in the industrial sectors of land, naval and aeronautical transport have had a strong impulse in recent years. The activity, carried out as part of funded research projects, has allowed us to deepen the issues relevant to the development of the application of adhesives and the creation of glued joints with structural properties and high durability).
  4. Polymeric materials reinforced with nanometric fillers for structural applications
  5. Development of Innovative Materials for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

Composites | Thermoset | Processing | multifunctional | SMA

Antonucci Vincenza

Senior researcher – SS Napoli/Portici



Vincenza Antonucci is permanent researcher at the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) of CNR since 2001. She graduated cum laude in Chemical Engineering (January 1996) and attained the Materials Engineering Phd (XII cycle) on ” Polymer infiltration processes for the production of Composite Materials” (February 2000) ) at University of Naples ”Federico II”.

Further, she had a training period at Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Delaware (Newark-USA) collaborating with Prof. S.G. Advani and working on: control methodologies of polymerization stage in RTM process, study of nanocomposites and production of thermoset composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes.

In general, the main research activities are relative to the polymer based composite materials and their manufacturing technologies, in particular to the study and development of:

  • innovative out-of-the-autoclave technologies, based on the dry reinforcement infiltration by resin;
  • composites properties obtained by innovative technologies;
  • polymer matrix filled with flame retardants, carbon nanotubes;
  • actuation systems, based Shape memory Alloys to produce adaptive structures;
  • composite materials based on natural (hemp, flax, cotton) or mineral (basalt) fibers for non conventional applications.

The main scientific results are summarised and diffused by the publications of more than 70 papers on international technical journals, 9 books chapters, one national patent.

Further, Dr. Antonucci, as scientific reference for the IPCB, manages research activities in the frame of national and regional research projects, carries out training activities through training courses and tutoring of degree and doctoral theses and is an expert evaluator for the Italian for the Italian Ministry of Research and University and Ministry of Economic Development (MISE).


Avolio Roberto

Researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Master degree (2007) and Ph.D. (2010) in Materials Engineering, University Federico II, Napoli.

Researcher at IPCB-CNR since 2013. In charge of the Mechanochemistry Lab.

Main research interests:

  • Development of recycling technologies for polymeric materials and composites
  • Mechanochemical treatments on polymers, biomasses, inorganic particles, composite materials
  • Realization of multiphase micro- and nano-structured polymeric materials
  • Solid state NMR analysis on organic, inorganic and hybrid materials
  • Realization of blends and composites based on bio-based and/or biodegradable materials
  • Analytical techniques for the definition of structure/properties relationships in polymeric materials

Main research projects:

  • IREOS-FILSE – Study and development of an innovative process for the recycling of heterogeneous waste materials in the building sector (Coordinator)
  • ENEL – POC for the experimentation of recycling processes for glass fiber composites from end-of-life wind turbine blades (Coordinator)
  • PRIN 2017 PANACEA (A Technology Platform for the Sustainable Recovery and Advanced Use of Nanostructured Cellulose from Agri-Food Residues) (Member of the research group) https://sites.google.com/unitn.it/panacea/dissemination
  • PRIN 2017 MUSSEL (Mussel-inspired functional biopolymers for underwater adhesion, surface/interface derivatization and nanostructure/composite self-assembly) (Member of the research group)
  • PON 2014-2020 SIRIMAP (Detection systems for plastic marine litter and its recovery and recycling) (Member of the research group) http://www.ponricerca.gov.it/comunicazione/esempi-di-progetto/ricerca-industriale-e-sviluppo-sperimentale/sirimap/
  • H2020 ECOBULK (Circular Process for Eco-Designed Bulky Products and Internal Car Parts) (Member of the research group) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/730456/it
  • H2020 VAHVISTUS (Integrative development of smart drug-vector nanostructures for adaptive delivery to target cells) (Member of the research group) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/734759/it
  • FP7 COMMON SENSE (Cost-Effective Sensors, Interoperable with International Existing Ocean Observing Systems, to Meet EU Policies Requirements) (Coordinator of IPCB-CNR activities) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/614155/it

Visiting scientist:

  • Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Svizzera, Soft Matter Physics group (2017)
  • Institute of Macromolecules “Prof. Eloisa Mano”, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasile (2013 e 2015)
  • Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP), Mainz, Germania, Polymer Spectroscopy group (2010)