da webadmin | Mar 3, 2023 | 2019, End-2023, Project
Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE addresses the topic “Sustainable...
da webadmin | Mar 3, 2023 | 2019, End-2023, Project
CARDoon valorisation by InteGrAted biorefiNery BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The development of technologies for an efficient processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable bioproducts is essential for the setting-up of viable biorefineries. Biorefineries, defined as the...
da webadmin | Mar 1, 2023 | 2019, End-2023, Project
MultIFunctional poLymer cOmposites based on groWn matERials BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This project aims to design and develop an active and bio-based packaging technology. New multifunctional inorganic carriers will be synthetized to include several active principles within...
da webadmin | Mar 1, 2023 | 2019, End-2023, Project
SMART PACKAGING FOR SMART LIVING STRUMENTO ATTUATIVO: Bando FCS – Agrifood – Sportello ASSE Asse 1 Priorità di investimento 1.b Azione Azione 1.1.3 LDR CODICE PROGRAMMA: 2014IT16RFOP003 CODICE PROGETTO: Prog n. F/200015/03/X45...
da webadmin | Dic 13, 2022 | 2019, End-2022, Project
Valorizing Sustainable Plastics through a CLEver use of NANoparticles DESCRIZIONE: Il progetto mira a utilizzate le nanoparticelle come strumento intelligente per manipolare la microstruttura e, attraverso di essa, le proprietà di miscele di polimeri a base biologica...
da webadmin | Dic 11, 2022 | 2019, End-2022, Project
Nuovi prodotti dalla trasformazione agroindustriale di frutti da colture mediterranee e gestione sostenibile dei sottoprodotti DESCRIZIONE: In questo progetto ilCNR IPCB di Catania si occuperà della definizione di packaging maggiormente adatti al confezionamento di...