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Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR


gargiulo luca

Temporary researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Master’s degree in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology, obtained on 27/10/2021 with grade 110/110.
Thesis entitled: “A holistic zero waste biorefinery approach for Cardoon biomass exploitation: bioplastics design”.
From 14/02/2022 I hold the position of research fellow at the IPCB-CNR of Pozzuoli working on “CARDIGAN” project.

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

LPS | Glycoproteins | N-Glycans | Glycomics |

Garozzo Domenico

Research director – SS Catania




Dr. Garozzo’s research centers on the characterization of natural and synthetic macromolecules. He developed Mass Spectrometry as analytical and structural tools for the analysis of polymers by the introduction of the SEC-MALDI technique, that is now universally used for the mass spectrometric analysis of polysaccharides and synthetic polymers. Afterwards, his studies explained why it is not possible to analyze polydisperse macromolecules, such as polysaccharides and most of the synthetic polymers, by MALDI MS without a pre-fractionation. In the field of natural macromolecules, his researches disclosed a sample preparation procedure able to obtain high quality MALDI mass spectra of R-type lipopolysaccharides. In this way, structural elucidations by MALDI MS of many LPS were obtained (Burkholderia dolosa, Pandoraea pulmonicola, Yersinia Pestis, Loktanella rosea, B. cenocepacia, vietnamiensis, multivorans, and many others).

His most recent field of research is human serum glycomics. His research in this field led to the discovery of three new genetic diseases due to Congenital Glycosylation Defects (CDG) (MAN1-B1 Deficiency, SLC35A3 mutation and DPM2-CDG) as well as the understanding of the bio-molecular basis of these diseases. He also contributed to a better understanding of Galactosemia.

More recently, he found that N-glycan alterations in CSF leads to very early detection of Alzheimer Disease (prior to the Mild Cognitive Impairment status) and new pharmaceutical targets

 Dr. Domenico Garozzo is author/co-author of more than 140 scientific publications in international journals with more than 5700 citations and a h index = 42 (Google Scholar) or 37 (Scopus)


2016 Berti Medal from Italian Chemical Society (SCI), Carbohydrate Chemistry group
2022 Member of “Accademia Gioenia”


2020 Associate Editor Glycoconjugate Journal (Wiley)
2021 Guest Editor: Special issue on: Glycans and Glycosylation in SARS-COV2 Infection Glycoconjugate Journal
2020 Guest editor special issue: Glycomics: Implications for Metabolic Health and Disease. International Journal of Medical Science (IF 4.183. mdpi)
2020 Guest Editor: Special issue on: Mass spectrometry and the analysis of glycoconjugates Glycoconjugate Journal
2020 Guest Editor Special issue “CSF N- and O- Glycomics and Glycoproteomics” Biomolecules

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Management | Training | Dissemination | Innovation |

Gelli Maria

Technologist – SP Pozzuoli



Graduated with honors in mathematics in 1981 at the Federico II University of Naples. Her activity is part of the organizational and administrative technical management with particular regard to research, training, development and technology transfer projects. Since 2012 she coordinates the group for the support of scientific and technological research, for the technical and financial management of complex research projects at regional, national and international level.

She is involved in research projects and provides technical-scientific support related to the evaluation, interaction with local public entities for the follow-up of projects, cost reporting and assistance in the audit phase of projects funded by entities outside the CNR. She is member of the following groups: GdL Monitoring within the network agreement CREO – CNR Campania REte Outreach; Dissemination, training / PCTO, Outreaching, of the IPCB-CNR Institute; Project Management of the IPCB-CNR Institute. In addition holds the ISIPM-Base Project Management Certification.


Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Polymer composites | Nanostructured and hybrid materials | Hierarchical porous materials | Sustainable materials and processes | Electron microscopy characterization |

Gentile Gennaro

Senior researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Gennaro Gentile, Master’s Degree in Chemistry at the University of Naples “Federico II”, is senior researcher at IPCB-CNR.
His research activities, carried out at the IPCB Unit of Pozzuoli, are focused on polymer science and technology, with particular attention to nano- and micro-structured polymer based systems. More specifically, his main current research interests are:
– design and study of polymer composites and nanostructured coatings with functional properties, for applications in the automotive, furniture, textile, packaging and cultural heritage sector;
– design and synthesis of hierarchical micro/meso/macroporous systems with adsorption properties tailored for applications in water and air remediation;
– design and study of eco-sustainable polymer composites, based on traditional, bio-derived or bio-degradable polymeric matrices and reinforced with natural fibers, for applications in the textile, furniture, automotive, packaging and building sectors;
– analysis of plastic pollution phenomena, design and optimization of recyclable-by-design polymer systems and development of sustainable recycling processes for materials based on thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers;
– analysis of morphology-structure‐properties relationships and optimization of the interfaces in multiphase polymeric systems through electron microscopy techniques.
He is scientific responsible of the IPBC CNR Research Unit in several National and European research projects focused on these topics.
Gennaro Gentile is co-author of more than 170 scientific papers published on international journals (source Scopus) and 3 national patents, and he has presented the results of the research activities to several International Conferences. His current H-index is 38 (Scholar). He is also member of editorial boards of international scientific journals.
He has been tutor of several Post-doc and Research fellows at IPCB CNR, and tutor of master thesis and PhD thesis at University of Naples “Federico II” and University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”.
Moreover, he is member of European and National panels for the evaluation of R&D projects.

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Antibacterial coating | Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) | Biopolymer | Prosthesis | Amputation Treatment |

Ghalayani Arash Esfahani

Temporary researcher – SS Lecco



I graduated from Politecnico di Milano in Italy with my PhD degree where I conducted my dissertation research on “Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) for Bottom-up Design of Cellular Solids in Biomedical Applications.” I also conducted parts of my research at the Orthopedic Hospital Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where I focused on bactericidal activity of Gallium-doped chitosan coatings on orthopedic implants against staphylococcal infection by optimizing the composite coating and EPD-fabricated system. These listed areas of research only outline the subjects with which I have had the most experience to date.

Research Interests:
• Bactericidal activity of Gallium-doped chitosan coatings on orthopedic implants against staphylococcal infection
• Bone tissue regeneration
• Skin tissue generation
• Drug-eluting composite coatings
• Fabrication of 3D Biomedical structure

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Giangreco Mattia

Administrative collaborator – SS Catania



CV available soon

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Giordano Michele

Research director – SS Napoli/Portici



CV available soon

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Natural polymers | Biodegradable polymers | Biomedical applications | Thermo-responsive copolymers |

Gomez d’Ayala Giovanna

Researcher – SP Pozzuoli



Development and characterization of sustainable materials based on biodegradable polymers, such as polysaccharides and polyesters, with particular attention to the use of bioactive molecules from renewable sources as additives for the polymer matrices, for application in different biomedical fields.

Techniques of polymer synthesis and characterization: Chemical functionalization of natural and synthetic polymers; polymerization techniques (free and controlled radical polymerization, RAFT); synthesis of amphiphilic copolymers and self-assembly study; chemico-physical characterization ( FT- IR, UV – Vis, NMR, thermal analyses DSC, TGA, swelling tests); morphological analysis (SEM-TEM); mechanical and dynamic mechanical characterization.

Techniques of preparation and characterization of polymeric nano and micro-spheres, gels and foam as drug delivery systems: Emulsion methods, ionotropic gelation, chemical and physical crosslinking of natural and synthetic polymers, study of release kinetics of active principles, swelling and stability tests, morphological and dimensional analysis (DLS)

Techniques of preparation and characterization of polymeric materials for cell immobilization. Polymerization of acrylic monomers; preparation of hydrogels based on polysaccharides and acrylic copolymers; tests of cell adhesion; morphological analysis.

Development and characterization of polymeric composites and nanocomposites based on calcium sulfate and hydroxyapatite for bone regeneration. Study of polysaccharide-based hydrogels as wound dressings.

Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR


Technologist – SS Catania


Abbate Valentina IPCB CNR

Electrospinning | Microgels | Nanoparticles | Biomaterials | Drug Delivery

Guarino Vincenzo

Research director – SS Napoli/Portici



Vincenzo Guarino, PhD in Materials Engineering and Production – Biomaterials (2005), Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering (2002) at the University of Naples “Federico II”, is currently Research Director at IPCB-CNR. He’s Scientific responsible of Electrospinning and Microscopy Labs at IPCB-CNR Napoli, and Scientific co-coordinator of LaMEST (Transmission and Scanning Electron microscopy labs) at IPCB-CNR Pozzuoli.
His research activities are mainly focused on biomaterials and green polymers processing for the fabrication of micro and nanostructured substrates for different applications in health and biomedical area. Main research interests and expertise include:
-Electro fluid dynamic processes (e.g. electrospinning, electrospraying) for the fabrication of multicomponent fibers and particles for biomedical use (i.e., tissue repair, interface regeneration, antibacterial devices, nanomedicine, biosensing).
-Design and optimization of functionalized microgels for oral delivery and in vitro cell models
-Design and optimization of nanostructured coatings with multifunctional properties (bioactive, magnetic, electro-conductive) for biomedical devices (i.e., antibacterial films, prostheses, biotextiles, biofilters, biosensors);
-Design and optimization of polymer and composites 3D scaffolds by different processing techniques (i.e., particle pseudo-sintering, phase separation, emulsion, melt extrusion) for tissue engineering
-Study of morphology, structure and properties relationships in multicomponent systems through electron and optical microscopy techniques and image analysis.
He is PI of several research projects and activities focused on biomedical issues involving, National, European and Extra EU partners (United States, Portorico, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico, Australia), international agencies (AFOSR) and R&D companies (Dompè pharmaceutics, Procter & Gamble, Bioteck, AB Medica).
He is member of various Italian and EU project evaluation panels, international scientific committees and editorial boards of indexed journals. He currently works as Scientific Expert for MISE (Economy and Development Italian Ministry) for the evaluation of industrial research and development projects.
At February 2023, he is author of several international scientific publications (over 160), contributions at international/national conferences (over 200), editor of scientific books (4) and special issues on the material/biomaterials topics (6).
He has been tutor of several Post-doc and Research fellows at IPCB CNR, and tutor of master thesis and PhD thesis at University of Naples “Federico II” and University of Salerno

Cristina Guzzo

Guzzo cristina

Administrative collaborator – SS Napoli/Portici



Lo svolgimento per lunghi anni dell’attività forense e la specializzazione conseguita in alcuni ambiti specifici ed innovativi (mediazione – conciliazione e nello stesso tempo attività presso vari enti pubblici e societari) mi ha consentito lo sviluppo competenze relazionali acquisite anche in ragione dei diversi ambienti lavorativi in cui è stata esercitata l’attività, nonché dei diversi contesti di riferimento, mutati nell’arco di esercizio della prestazione lavorativa che hanno richiesto un elevato grado di adattamento e contemporaneamente mi hanno consentito di ampliare le mie conoscenze personali e lavorative. Ho buone capacità e competenze organizzative, in ragione degli incarichi di coordinamento ricoperti. Ho difatti svolto anche attività di collaborazione e assistenza legale e amministrativa presso Enti Locali per le procedure di dissesto finanziario. Ho un’ottima capacità relazionale derivante anche dalla circostanza che ho svolto attività sportiva a carattere agonistico per molti anni. Questo mi ha consentito di imparare a “giocare” in squadra, oltre ad avermi allenato all’impegno e alla costanza. Ho svolto la mia attività nel campo del diritto civile, del diritto del lavoro e del diritto commerciale, del diritto di famiglia e del diritto penale, con esperienza maturata sia nella fase stragiudiziale (sono mediatore professionista) che in quella contenziosa. Mi sono altresi occupata della materia contrattualistica e della redazione di pareri e accordi. Mi è riconosciuta un’ottima capacità progettuale e proprio questa caratteristica ha fatto si che venissi posta sempre in funzione di coordinatrice ed organizzatrice effettiva delle varie attività.

Avendo svolto più volte dei corsi in qualità di docente mi é stata riconosciuta una notevole capacità comunicativa, riuscendo a rendere comprensibili anche ai non addetti ai lavori, concetti tecnici. Ho svolto infatti, quale docente, corsi per Infermieri professionisti e per operatori sociosanitari e corsi per operatori di sportello nell’attività di collaborazione con le associazioni dei consumatori, approfondendo in particolar modo la materia del c.d. “Codice del Consumo”. Ho svolto corsi di aggiornamento per lo svolgimento di Amministratore di Condominio e svolgimento relativa attività; Svolgimento master in mediazione familiare con conseguimento di attestato a seguito di esame scritto e orale. Nonché stages per l’approfondimento e la pratica del metodo di mediazione umanistica. Svolgimento e completamento tirocinio per l’esercizio dell’attività di mediatore civile e commerciale professionista.

Conoscenze Informatiche: Pacchetto Office nel suo complesso anche in ambiente mac, Internet; Posta elettronica e firma digitale; Uso di banche dati giuridiche.